Sunday, May 16, 2010

On the bike again

A short ride from our hotel in Montefellonico brought us right to the start in Chianchiano.
We checked out the scenery and rode further south to Chuisi to see the peleton go by.
It took 15 sec for 189 riders to go by.
Todays mileage 35 due to rain again, but we got a superb lunch out of it.


  1. You are all so, so, so so so so so so so BLESSED. I am actually looking at this marvelous blog for the first time this morning; drinking coffee at 5:58 am so you are 5:58 pm and hopefully it is as breathtaking and beautiful as it looks via the pictures. Yes, a trip like this is the DREAM. I am so inspired I will ride now!! Enjoy; this looks like so much fun:-) Warmly The Nottage Family and especially Jennifer
